Hebrews || Recap January 2, 2024 “How did I even get here?” Debt, Divorced, Addicted, “How did it get like this? Drift – to be carried away slowly. – So...
Merry Crisis || Week 4 – Second Coming December 24, 2023 Pining- to yearn deeply; suffering with longing; longing painfully Advent – Coming Incarnation & Coronation & Consummation...
Make Things Better or Make Things New? April 25, 2023 Mark 2:18-22 1. Which better defines what’s happening in your life: You’re letting Jesus make you new or 2. You are trying to...
Are You Qualified? April 18, 2023 Mark 2:13-17 1. Who do you relate to the most in this passage – Matthew or the Pharisees? 2. Why do we, as men, tend to define...
Tenacity April 11, 2023 Mark 2:1-12 1. What have been some of the most frustrating “closed doors” you’ve experienced in life? 2. Reflect on a...
What’s Our Mission? March 28, 2023 Mark 1:29-39 1. Do you have a desolate place where you connect with the Father God? Where is it? How often do you go there? 2. Like Jesus,...
Authority March 21, 2023 Mark 1:21-28 1. In this passage, what does Jesus show us about being a man of God? 2. Do you feel like your words carry authority? Where do...
You Can’t Be a Lone Ranger March 14, 2023 Mark 1:12-20 1. If any man could have done life alone, without the help of others, it was Jesus. Why do you think the first thing He does...