Ghana Christian Mission

September 6 - 16 2024

On September 6th, MCC will send out a team to encourage and partner with our missionaries in Ghana, a country on the west coast of Africa.  MCC has partnered with Ghana Christian Mission for a number of years in their effort  to share Christ with the people of Ghana. The team will be participating in a number of ministries together with the Ghanaian people including, preaching on Sunday, funding and helping to staff a four-day medical clinic, conducting a VBS for the local community, and assisting with construction of the roof on the local church building.  We thank God that the trip is fully funded!
Our biggest need currently is prayer as we go.  Our team of 10 will leave on 9/6 and return on 9/16. Their prayer requests: for God to be glorified as we work and fellowship with the Ghanaian people, wisdom and strength to minister cross-culturally, unity, safety in travel.  Pray as the Holy Spirit leads.